Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Give yourself a break...

Dear Friends,
Is it OK to have a respite from the world? Some might argue that's running away from reality.
Reality does indeed include suffering, pain, disease, injustice, judgment. And it's our responsibility during this lifetime to confront those pieces of reality head-on and try to improve them.
So, is it OK to have a break? Lauren and I believe it's not only OK, it's vital.
It's vital to nourish your spirit with gratitude, faith and lovingkindness. It's vital to connect with kindred spirits and share your stories. It's vital to retreat to a safe, sacred space and cherish the tender parts of your soul.
That's why Lauren and I are so happy about how you all are using Wisdomology. To many of us, it is that vital, safe, sacred space. We're constantly working on how to make it even more nourishing and inspiring, and you'll see some of that in our next release (soon!)
Until then, we thank you for your open hearts, your open minds, your compassionate support of one another, and your respect for the wise soul in each of us.
James and Lauren

Welcome new members!
Here are a few people who joined us recently. Ask them questions & make them feel at home!
How can you use ancient herbs and Mi'kmaq herbal wisdom to stay well and treat illness? Ask ressiegirl.
A bohemian is "a literary gypsy... [who] surrenders to their inner voice - the energy within."

Discourse on the nature of the Divine, love, bravery, acceptance.
And- my personal favorite - sulking.
Ever feel like you could use some tips for opening your heart? BlueMoon has shared a few.


How altruistic is it to do a kindness, and then tell someone about it? Does it diminish the kindness? Find out what Laura thinks.
Deep, rich understanding of Scriptures, plus poetic expression, plus compassionate fellowship - we're so lucky!

of the Week

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Thought Provoking
of the Week
Ari-ah wants to know:
"If you lived in an unreal world of magic and had a magic wand, what would you wish for?
Click here to see answers or to answer it yourself.

An Affirmation from a Wise Woman
"I don't need words, to make me feel good - I already am a good feeling.
I don't need a song, to soothe me - I am already a melody
I don't need the sunshine to make me feel the warmth - I am radiant already."

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