Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Announcing Release 1.5!!!

Our Dear Friends and Fellow Wisdomologists:

James, Bruce, and I are very excited to announce some wonderful new upgrades to Wisdomology! It’s our deepest wish that they will enrich your experience, and better support you in your journey.

Wisdomology is more accessible
We have a new homepage with rotating features that allow you to see more of what’s going on inside the site. We also have features that allow you to browse wisdom and members by latest submissions.

Wisdomology is faster:
We have robust new servers that will speed up your browsing so you can find what you want even faster.

Wisdomology is bolder:
We have new graphics on the homepage and throughout the site.

Wisdomology is about awareness:
We have a new “Causes Tool” that will allow you to highlight your personal experiences with causes and charities. You can even include a link to their site and a “donate” button!

Wisdomology is about gratitude:
Our new “Gratitude Tool” allows you to tell the world (and remind yourself) what you are thankful for. We are so delighted with this new tool that we are offering a free trial of the Gratitude Tool (as well as the Meditation Tool) to non-premium members! Just go to the Gratitude Circle Page and click on "Encircle Yourself with Gratitude" or to the Meditations Page and click on "Create a Meditation" to create one now.

Wisdomology is about inspiration:
We have changed our “Wisdom Points” to “Inspirations” – Are you inspired by what you see? Now you can mark it “Inspiring”.

Wisdomology is “bigger”:
You can now view all Wisdomology Meditations and Gratitude Circles in Full Screen Mode, so all the beauty of these Flash animated presentation can fill your view.

Everyone will find:

“The Wisdomology Story” – the “Once Upon a Time” tale of how Wisdomology got started;
A News Room for the press,
A store featuring books by Wisdomology Pros, books that the Wisdomology team loves, and great Wisdomology stuff (so you can let the world know about your new favorite website!),
New community rules that explain the kind of environment we are trying to foster on Wisdomology

In addition to all this, Premium Members (Now termed “Saffron Wisdomologists") and Pro Members can now upload, store, and delete images in their Profiles for use in their published Wisdom.

May you find the wisdom you seek and may the wisdom you offer continue to be of benefit to others.


Lauren and James

Friday, June 22, 2007

Finding Inspiration

Dear Fellow Wisdomologists,
I have to admit, I have something of an addiction to books. And I think it can be traced to a genetic cause: my mother used to joke that while some men snuck into the house late at night with lipstick on their collars, my father would steal quietly into his den with a new book under his arm. Trying not to love books is like trying not to have brown eyes. And then I went and married someone who has the same bibliophilic issue as me. Our poor bookcases. Sometimes I think that if they could talk, they would be begging for mercy or advocating for the formation of a "Book Holder's Union of America".
But we can't help ourselves (or at least we don't want to): in times of trouble and in times of joy; in times of certainty and times of questioning, we turn to our books for comfort, solace, inspiration, entertainment and enlightenment.
Though I love to read a good book cover to cover, I sometimes ask a question, set an intention and flip a book open to a random page for guidance and inspiration. Just the other day, while I was wondering why it can be so hard to forgive, I opened Dr. David Simon's book The Ten Commitments: Translating Good Intentions into Great Choices and found a lovely quote by Hafez, the 14th century Persian poet, likening forgiveness to a treasure of silver. I realized upon reading this, that we often hold onto grudges and resentments as if they were the real treasure. We hide our resentments deep in the darkest crevices of our hearts as if we would be bereft without them (Haven't you ever felt "Nobody, but nobody, is going to talk me out of being angry. I have good reason for being resentful and I'll be damned if I'm going to stop.") How serendipitous (and what good fortune) to have found this quote, a little treasure in itself , tucked away in the pages of this book.
Try this yourself sometime. Focus on a question or an intention and then open the pages of a favorite book, you'll be surprised by what timely treasure you may find.

Lauren and James

Please Welcome Our New Members!
Here are a few people who joined us recently
This intriguing new Wisdomologist loves art, reading, nature and photography and tells us that
" . . .it seems like the older I get the less I seem to know and the scarier life gets for me."
She has already offered up many inspiring quotes and thought provoking questions. Visit her profile to find out more!
Pink is a woman of sincere faith who offers up this powerful thought:
"Remember life isn't about you, but about what you can do to change someone else's life!"
Visit her profile and welcome her to our wonderful community of teachers, learners, and seekers.

maggie marasco
Maggie tells us that:
Heart, Soul, Mind and Body - gifts gathered and gifts given," and on a lighter note goes on to say that "I've been told I have the courage of King David or that I am totally loony."
Visit Maggie's profile and learn more about this Theology Major with a concentration in English Lit. We are sure she will be of great benefit to the Wisdomology Community!
This new Wisdomologist shares the following bit of personal poetry in their profile:
a follower of Jesus
i live at peace with everyone and everything
i love life
i live with purpose
i am a constant learner"
We hope that gurug will learn from us, just as we hope to learn from gurug!

Thought Provoking Question of the Week
Wisdomology Member VisionCasting asks our community of seekers:

Is true wisdom universally applicable or relative to ones own experience? Can there be wisdom that transcends our singularity of experiences and is universally true? How can we differentiate?
Click here to answer this questions or to benefit from reading the thoughts of others who have pondered this question!
Meditation of the Week
Lauren posted this meditation, whose text is taken from Kent Keith's Paradoxical Commandments.
Written in the 1960's and later developed into a book, these words were so loved by Mother Teresa, that she posted them in her children's home in Calcutta.
The message is one of beautiful simplicity: Do good in this world for the sake of the One who created you.

Quote of the Week
New Wisdomology Member mirluinwen, featured above, contributed this quote:
“The true delight is in the finding out rather than in the knowing.”

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Give yourself a break...

Dear Friends,
Is it OK to have a respite from the world? Some might argue that's running away from reality.
Reality does indeed include suffering, pain, disease, injustice, judgment. And it's our responsibility during this lifetime to confront those pieces of reality head-on and try to improve them.
So, is it OK to have a break? Lauren and I believe it's not only OK, it's vital.
It's vital to nourish your spirit with gratitude, faith and lovingkindness. It's vital to connect with kindred spirits and share your stories. It's vital to retreat to a safe, sacred space and cherish the tender parts of your soul.
That's why Lauren and I are so happy about how you all are using Wisdomology. To many of us, it is that vital, safe, sacred space. We're constantly working on how to make it even more nourishing and inspiring, and you'll see some of that in our next release (soon!)
Until then, we thank you for your open hearts, your open minds, your compassionate support of one another, and your respect for the wise soul in each of us.
James and Lauren

Welcome new members!
Here are a few people who joined us recently. Ask them questions & make them feel at home!
How can you use ancient herbs and Mi'kmaq herbal wisdom to stay well and treat illness? Ask ressiegirl.
A bohemian is "a literary gypsy... [who] surrenders to their inner voice - the energy within."

Discourse on the nature of the Divine, love, bravery, acceptance.
And- my personal favorite - sulking.
Ever feel like you could use some tips for opening your heart? BlueMoon has shared a few.


How altruistic is it to do a kindness, and then tell someone about it? Does it diminish the kindness? Find out what Laura thinks.
Deep, rich understanding of Scriptures, plus poetic expression, plus compassionate fellowship - we're so lucky!

of the Week

Would you be so kind as to spread the word to your grandmother, teacher, neighbor, father, friend, acupuncturist...?
1) Hit the forward button at the bottom of this email.

2) Discuss the site on your blog or other online forum.
3) Use Digg, del.icio.us and reddit, or other social bookmarks.
Or, just tell someone at the watercooler!
Thought Provoking
of the Week
Ari-ah wants to know:
"If you lived in an unreal world of magic and had a magic wand, what would you wish for?
Click here to see answers or to answer it yourself.

An Affirmation from a Wise Woman
"I don't need words, to make me feel good - I already am a good feeling.
I don't need a song, to soothe me - I am already a melody
I don't need the sunshine to make me feel the warmth - I am radiant already."

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Dear Friends,
How was wisdom shared in the olden days? Discussions.
Grandmother to granddaughter, teacher to student, neighbor to neighbor, father to son.
Discussing becoming a woman, non-attachment, how to grow the best vegetables, stories of our ancestors.
How do we share wisdom in the Internet age? Discussions.
Our discussions are a little different than those of our ancestors. Because they can extend across time, across space, across cultural and societal boundaries. Because I can learn from MsPurple or Heatherhedyjon or Triara or Larry, or you, whenever I most need it. Because our discussions are captured for all time, and might inspire someone else in the middle of the night on the other side of the world.
But though the medium has changed, our discussions have stayed the same at their core. Just people sharing their personal experiences about this amazing journey we're on. Helping each other make sense of it. Supporting each other to learn, grow, laugh, love.
May you inspire someone you don't know today!

Welcome new members!
Here are a few people who joined us recently. Ask them questions & make them feel at home!
Want to know the #1 rule for a meaningful life? ChakraGoddess posted her #1 rule on Wisdomology (and thanks for the blog link!)
Posted a quote on dealing with external pain, and is discussing the connection between love and feeling secure.

Leaping, nets appearing, learning from others, opening your heart, the joys of volunteering: we have much to learn from mshawkman.
elsa shared with us she'd like to write a book about her life. Read her post and tell her if you'd be inspired by her book.


How does touch heal? And why might it be the most important need of our seniors? Ask Peggy4321 - she's already discussing this on her profile page.
Amethyst's personal statement rocks! It's gorgeous poetry on what it means to be human, if you ask me (which you didn't).

Monday, May 21, 2007

Figured it was time

Yes, since we're supposedly trying to bring cutting-edge technology to personal growth, I figured it was time to get a blog. Someday perhaps I'll buy one of those new-fangled "telephone" thingys. I'll use this blog to keep everyone up to date on what's going on with Wisdomology.com. What's new, what's hot, and who to connect with to further your personal journey.

Many blessings to you!